Friday, October 21, 2011

The Start to the Rest of my LIfe

Get up go to school, go to soccer practice, do homework, chores, sleep, go to bed, get up and do it all over again. That was my life as a high school sophomore. Summer came and I found out that my whole life was about to change. I got a job at an ice cream place, trust me that wasn't much money, but it was better than doing nothing.

Junior year came, soccer tryouts began, although I wanted nothing more than to play again, I knew that I wouldn't be allowed to. As the girls on the team passed me in the hall way they would ask me why I wasn't playing, I couldn't, I'd just make up an excuse and walk away. I felt like I had disappointed them and let them down, they were family. There were days that I was not able to go to school because I felt so weak. Mid-terms came. I took every single one of them except I was not able to attend school on the last day of them. I woke that morning and couldn't even stand up. A few hours later my mom brought me to the doctors, that night at 5:08 p.m. my son was born!! That was the best day of my life, my little miracle came into the world.

Although I had my son to take care of, I knew that school was still my responsibility to finish. I had all my work sent to my house for me to do. I was supposed to get a tutor, but I preferred that I do all my work on my own. On top of taking care of my son 24/7 I did my school work, when it was time to take a test i would go into school, sit a room with a teacher and take my test, then I'd go home.

After a month of that I returned to school, going back felt so weird. Everyone would stare at me as I walked down the halls. When I got to class and sat in my seat I felt so out of place, like I didn't belong there. But in the end I did it, I finished junior year.

Summer came, my family and I moved out of town. Not because we wanted to but because we needed a bigger house. My senior year, I couldn't believe it, I had to start off in a brand new high school not knowing anyone. Walking down the halls of TMHS was like the first day back at KHS. I felt like I didn't belong with these kids. They were there all four years of their high school career, and I as an outsider came just to finish mine out.
At the same time as going to school and taking care of my son I had to get a job at the casino. My sister worked there a while before me, she was part of the reason I was able to get in, that I was thankful for.

Graduation came, I was so proud of myself, I completed high school, worked, and took care of my baby. Summer came yet again, I couldn't continue working at the casino, the gas got too expensive for the travel, half my pay check would go to gas, it wasn't worth it.

I found a new job, closer to home, and it was good pay. I never thought working 47 and 1/2 hours a week would be like still going to school. Now while currently still working at my job I am taking an online college course, still receiving no child support. His father months ago was court ordered to pay $12.00 a week.  Now lets be honest here, who can live on $12.00 a week?!

No one said life was easy, but in the end it's all worth it.

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